I was a super, duper, huge help today while the mama and the papa canned tomatoes! We all went to the Farmer's Market where I met a whole pack of nice dogs and got several specialty dog biscuit. The dog biscuit lady kept running out to me when we went past and asking if I could have a treat. Yes. Yes, I can have treats. As many as you want to jam into my big mouth. Nom, nom, nom...
Heirloom tomato seconds were $1.25 a pound at one stand, so we got 10# of them to can at home. Instead of doing pasta sauce like we did last year, the mama and the papa decided to just can the tomatoes plain this year so they can be used for anything: spaghetti, pizza, chili, etc. The only flavoring was a little bit of my fur, which I sneaked in when they weren't looking.
The tomatoes |
I am a super big help in the kitchen! |
great idea!!!