Friday, October 19, 2012

Cabin Fun!

I got to go to a cabin up in the mountains! The mama and the papa took me with them on a getaway to the Michigan Reservoir.
We went for a hike, grilled some bison burgers for dinner, and watched a beautiful sunset! After dark, we worked on a crossword together and lounged around in the cabin next to the gas stove.

 In the morning, we ran into a mama moose and a baby moose. I also got to go hog wild in the reservoir before we headed home. It was the BEST. WEEKEND. EVER.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Best Friends

The mama and the papa let me stay awake for the vice presidential debates on Thursday, and I got to play with my pal, Luca, an Italian Greyhound:

Today, the mama set up a playdate for me and Gatsby, a 5-month-old Bernese Mountain Dog. We have so much fun bashing our teeth into each other. It started out pretty innocent, but then we got rowdier and rowdier and made some silly faces.

My Uncle Peter and my Uncle Nick are both in town this weekend for the Great American Beer Fest in Denver. This means I get to be an extra big couch potato!

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Tipping the Scales

After I put on 5 lbs. (up to 144ish lbs.) last month, the mama put me on a weight management food and has been feeding me less than what the bag recommends. I am STARVING, y'all! Starving.

Well, after a month on the food (and feeling pretty in-shape, mind you) we returned to PetSmart for a weigh-in.

I am somewhere between 146 and 148 lbs.


I gained more weight. But I swear to Dog, I look absolutely fabulous.

Another growth spurt, perhaps?