We have a club for Newfoundlands and their owners in Colorado called the
High Country Newfoundland Club (HCNC). On Sunday, the HCNC had a BBQ in Pine, Colorado. Lots of Newfies showed up to be friends with me:
22 Newfoundlands, 2 Leonbergers, and a whole bunch of people got
together for pulled pork sandwiches (the mama gave me some pork in exchange for tricks) and games. We
practiced skills for water and draft work, and I won the award for the
fastest dog to take-a-line out to a "drowning victim" (only this game was done on land). Here's a shot of
me with my medal, which I promptly tried to eat because it looked like a cookie:
We had fun showing off our skills, but then it was time for Napmania:
The overall winners of the skills contest were awarded with bibs - first place went to my buddy, Bojie. You can read all about his adventures in Colorado at his own blog,
Newfunday certainly lived up to it's name! What a FUN day we had
hanging out with 22 Newfs and our 2 Leonberger members! 24 dogs fighting
for the title of HCNC Newfer Skills dog 2012! These skills were timed
events which included: fastest retrieve, fastest Take-a-Line, fastest
come for recall, and fastest back-up, all skills used in water,
obedience and drafting. Congrats to our "top dogs" seen in this photo by
the color of their bibs: 4th place: RUCA, 3rd place: MARLEY, 2nd place:
VIVI, and 1st place: surrounded by his harem, BOJIE. A big huge thanks
to Ed Maas for organizing this wonderful fun day in the mountains!
You're all top dogs in our book!" -from the HCNC Facebook page