First, an update on my scared-ness:
My blood test came back within normal ranges. My good eye is still in good shape. The eye doctor even told me my eye muscles were really strong, so instead of moving my head to see things around me, I just move my eye. Duh. That's so much easier than moving my WHOLE HEAD! My bad eye also looks good, so I don't need to worry about it, yet.
In short, GOOD NEWS!
We should get the thyroid panel results back soon.
What else have I been up to, lately? Well the mama and the papa attended a wedding in Livingston, Montana over Labor Day weekend. We all drove up there together on Saturday. I kept watch out the back window.
There are several fires burning in the mountains near Livingston, so the bride and groom had to move their wedding and reception locations from
Luccock Park (which was in the mountains right next to the
Pine Creek Fire) into town. They also had some expert firefighters go to their original wedding location and save $3000 worth of prime rib and BBQ for the reception (THANK GOD SOMEONE SAVED THE PRIME RIB!)
On Sunday morning, we went for a hike down near the North Entrance of Yellowstone National Park:
OMG, look what I found on the side of the trail!!! Best. Find. Ever. Too bad the mama and the papa kept screaming for me to "drop it!" "drop it!". Once I did, the papa kicked this tasty treat way off into a field. WTF, Dad? What a waste. |
On Sunday evening, the mama and the papa abandoned me in the rental house while they went to the wedding. I don't know why I wasn't invited because, as this picture shows, the bride's dog was in attendance. It's probably because I didn't bring my tuxedo bib. Next time, next time...
We drove home on Monday, but made a quick stop in the Bighorn Mountains to visit an American Indian Medicine Wheel. The hike to get to the wheel was a mile and a half there, mile and a half back. My gams were sure burning!
But it was totally worth it:
This morning, I woke up with some major spring in my step. The mama says the wheel might have helped to heal my joints.
Maybe it was the wheel. But to honest, it could also be the fact that I'm still thinking about that deer leg. Mmm...mmm...That was a good find, wasn't it?
Wasn't it?