Sunday, December 11, 2011

Me @ 11 months

After my surgery, I had to grow back the fur on my legs. You'll find some snaps of my skinny little arms at this link, as well as Christmas celebrations. I received an awesome gift from my Newf. Net Secret Santa. Newf.Net is a forum where you can learn all kinds of things about Newfoundlands around the world.

It may be Christmas, but I'm a bit of a grump. I hate those nasty little Nutcracker men who come into my house uninvited. Hate them.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Elbow Dysplasia

At 10 months old, I have been diagnosed with bilateral elbow dysplasia, with a fragmented coronoid process (FCP). You can read about it here.

I was limping a lot after heavy exercise, so the mama and the papa took me to the vet where they did x-rays. The x-rays of my right elbow looked like this:

It was determined that I would need surgery to remove possible joint mice (pieces of bone floating around in my joint). I went to Englewood, Colorado, to the VRCC and a very smart surgeon explained the options to the mama and the papa. They decided to have arthroscopic surgery done on both elbows. There was only about a 50/50 chance this would make my elbows entirely better, but it was worth a try since my pet insurance (PetPlan) would cover most of the cost.

That's my name in the middle - on the board for operations in the VRCC

So...I had arthroscopic surgery on December 2, 2011. The afternoon after the mama and the papa talked to the VRCC doctor about options, I had my surgery. Although I was knocked out for the surgery itself, the doctor let Mama and Papa watch it.

They were able to make sure I was safe, and they could see the bone fragments being removed on a TV screen.  These are videos of part of my arthroscopy:

Mama and Papa came to visit me in the post-op recovery room. I looked so tiny and frail, but it wouldn't be long before I was starting to feel back to my old self again. Still, I had an intensive, restricted activity period of rest for 3 months after surgery.